lördag, juli 31, 2010

today was a good day, now let's look forward to tomorrow.

Bästa chauffören i Ume-YO!!
Dagen började bra,vaknade rätt tidigt enligt mig, 10, bakade brld (Random?) 
och sen blev de en tur upp till centrum där ja skulle hämta ut diverse saker.
Älskar att beställa hem, feels amaze!  Lägger upp bilderna på allt imorn haha pallar inte nu 
iaf, dagen fortsatte med en tur till stan med Walt, hade inte träffat honom på ett tag sooo...
blev en kort tur men pretty fun ändå. Efter stan blev det en tur till Ersboda för att träffa min 
fru, HIBA! believe me, u were missed! :) Chillade ett tag, käkade middag och sen blev det en busstur med reggaechauffören (who is amazing btw) till stan för att möta upp David och Walt, måste bara påpeka dat aj lajk meeting njew peeepål!Anywhoos, nu blire att borsta tänderna sen SCHLEEP! 

onsdag, juli 28, 2010

justice don't mean that the bad guy goes to jail, it just means that somebody pays for the crime...

Yet another night with the freedom writers...such an inspiring movie. 
If you haven't seen it then I don't know what you're waiting for. I sure wish i had a teacher like Ms G, 
a teacher that keeps on encouraging people rather than waisting hours on books that feel useless..
not saying that my teachers are bad or anything but I have to admit that it gets kinda boring going from class to class and always using the same boring methods....
anyways, i'm out, don't forget...Freedom writers.

tisdag, juli 27, 2010

Days are amazing, nights are even better....I'm a dark child

Dagen har varit pretty sweet, blev tur till stan och sen styrelse möte. Najs med kinamat haha och blev mycket bestämt ändå, trevliga människor och bra snackstund också.
Blev Million Dollar Baby tsm med Jenny och oreos, underbart, älskar den filmen. Morgan Freeman, Clint Eastwood och Hillary Swank, amazing trio men I loooooove Danger :) nu blire en promenix och sen kanske freedom writers :) bye

måndag, juli 26, 2010

Shiet, my wife is the shiiiiiet

haha this bitch ain't scurred of nuffin... lolz! Love you boo!!

lördag, juli 24, 2010

helt rätt...

Various Artists – 20 RAP GEMS

riktig fetto vecka, träna träna!

Kan nu konstatera att ja tryckt i mig mer mat på två dagar än vad de flesta klarar på en vecka....nu blire TRÄNING som gäller, TAGGA, TAGGA, TAGGA!!

torsdag, juli 22, 2010

Förmodligen mest random...höh?

Igår blev en trevlig dag, träffade på massvis med folk.
Dagen började med att ja vaknade, tränade lite sen blev det sen tur på stan med Nicklas. Felt good, längesen ja va på stan med den pojken haha :) Blev en ny tröja för min del, galet glad har velat ha den ett tag nu så :)

så ser den ut. 

Efter stan blev det en tur till mammas kompis och hans dotter där det blev fika, spelade Wii vilket va pretty sweet och spelade en försvunna diamanten. Hitta diamanten båda gångerna, score! Nä men det va rätt så trevligt, har inte spelat det på aaaaages så :) 

Kom hem vid 10 tiden nångång sen blev det en sväng till mariehem med David och Abdul. Tror nog att det va den mest spontana kvällen nånsin som började med en "krash". Låt mig bara säga att David borde aldrig cykla igen hahaha! Hursomhelst, drog till mariehem i jakt på ett FISKESPÖ  och DRAG, sen blev det tillbaka till nydala där vi träffade på Jenny och Binta. Blev en tur till Statoil sen GRILLNING. Pretty sweet egentligen, kom hem vid 4. Bye 

onsdag, juli 21, 2010

Outta your mind!!

Insanity struck...seriöst!!
Satt och tittade på SYTYCD (so you think you can dance) och blev seriöst speechless, helt stört...
Har haft en rad favoriter från detta program:

  • Ade
  • Kerrington
  • Kupono
  • Nathan
  • Brandon

Men Twitch har varit min absoluta favorit sen läääänge, han är en alldeles underbar dansare som kan sin grej. I avsnittet från idag så dansade Twitch hiphop med Alex, en ballet dansare som var helt underbar som hiphop dansare, han dansade minst lika bra som Twitch. Think i have another person to add to my list... 

tänkte lägga in videon från när dom dansa men det funkade inte så får länka den ist :) 

måndag, juli 19, 2010

Oh Ruma Dundrum...

Sitter och käkar jordgubbar och skrattar jävel åt denna snubbe hahaha!

this is what I call RANDOM! 

Awesomeness in Asherness...

norlmal låt som vi satt och lyssna på back in the days, ska vi säga när man gick i 8:an
bra att man förstod de som låten handlade om, fick iaf en minor flashback haha, enjoy

Lost...y'all feel me?

Aha, I gotcha, uh...
With the same sword they knight you, they gon' good night you with
Shit, that's only half if they like you
That ain't even the half what they might do
Don't believe me, ask Michael
C. Martin, see Malcolm
See Biggie, see Pac, see success and its outcome
See Jesus, see Judas
See Caesar, see Brutus, see success is like suicide
Suicide, it's a suicide
If you succeed, prepare to be crucified
Media meddles, niggaz sue you, you settle
Every step you take, they remind you you're ghetto
So it's tough being Bobby Brown
To be Bobby then, you have to be Bobby now
And the question is, "Is to have had and lost
Better than not having at all?"
Because I'm...

stay cool...

Came home a while ago from town. It was amazing, the sun was shining and the company (Susy and Victor) was amazing! Was a while ago since I last saw Susy so it was great to see her again, had a lot of catching up to do. We walked around for a while, went from shop to shop and then went for some coffee. 

Pretty tired at the moment, don't know why but my feet are hurting a bit after a day in heels haha ;P 
Gonna take it a little eaze, check out what's going on tonight, hopefully go ballin'!!! But for now, PIZZA!!! 

I wanna dance tonight...

Aaaah, can't believe that I'm up!
Ok...that was a lie, have actually been awake since 12, like I said to the ladies yesterday...mhm!!
Anyways, disaster struck...I was brushing my teeth and ofc i didn't pay attention to my foundation that was standing on the edge of the sink so what happened? The damn thing fell and broke into pieces leaving stains of foundation everywhere, just my luck. Left me cleaning the bathroom for an hour when I was supposed to be getting ready to go to town, YEY!!!

As if that was the only thing...
yesterday while playing cardgames with the girls, Binta suddenly looked at me with a weird face, (the one you do when you see something freaky). Scared as hey, I stand up to see that I have a freakin SPIDER on my sweatpants...Oh dear lord. If there's one thing I can't stand, it has to be spiders and that spider sure had me running.

Anywhos, gotta get ready for town so...duces!
Lucy Pearl – Dance Tonight

"hey, nice shirt!" *SMILE*r

Random rubrik men men, vad ska man göra när tröttheten kickar in.
Sitter hemma och väntar på att mamma ska komma hem så att man kan släppa in kvinnan, hoppas bara att hon inser hur trött jag är,  (har inte sovit sen 03:00) och skyndar sig hem :) :) :)

Beslöt mig för att baka en kaka, blev två blåbärskakor som är i ugnen for the moment. Under tiden som ja höll på att baka lagade min broder middan, chicken mmmm....but believe it or not, just nu sitter jag och äter havregrynsgröt istället. GRÖT över KYCKLING, nog de sjukaste valet ja gjort ;P Aja nog om detta...ska ta och vila mig lite sen and hopefully ima be able to hit the court. Känner att de va länge sen jag va där och lirade lite.

men vi höres, duces...

söndag, juli 18, 2010

Think I'm a little bit, a little bit, a little bit creative?

Now smile for me kitty little <3

Dior inspirerad "sminkining", blev lite smått uttråkad och gjorde den idag. 1½ hours of work, almost donnnneeee

the music pumps through my veins...

"Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music."  - Jimi Hendrix 

"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness." - Maya Angelou 

"A painter paints pictures on canvas.  But musicians paint their pictures on silence." - Leopold Stokowski



lite trött och kom på detta :)

Hello world, Hello shoooe!

lördag, juli 17, 2010

home, home, workout

sitting at home, been up since 7 :) yesterday was a lazy day...just spent the entire day at home,
slept, watched a movie and so on. Kinda weird for me considering that it was friday yesterday but hey
can't be doing something everyday. Sometimes u just have to relax.

Watching so you think you can dance, amazing dancers and choreography. I know I've mentioned dance many times before but it's just that I miss it soooo much. I want to start dancing again but I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to pick it up again, last year in school's the worst year :/ Fudgeeee
finals, essays, basketball, coaching and blah blah blah...mental breakdown blah blah blah extended essay, yaddi-yaddi-yadda and over.

Lord please help me, gonna need some major strenght to do this. Hey look, I'm all over the place while writing this....blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

tisdag, juli 13, 2010


Sittin' at bintas, been here for a while. Should be headin home soon but
somehow just cant find te strength to walk home.
Yey home alone tomorrow, moms gonna work and my brother's
outta town....head up the city then I guess. Gotta buy a couple of stuff, just
hope I got enough money :) Jenny's gettin a little annoyed over the fact that
I'm typing at the moment, she's trying to watch a show...
meanwhile Binta's running aroungd flashing her butt, she just loves the attention.

söndag, juli 11, 2010

smile! :)

dude's messed up but amazing! 

oh yeah...

Haha, I realized that I "forgot" this...
I actually wrote about it on twitter but not here so...
here it goes

LeBron James signing the deal            

On friday night, LeBron James, Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade signed a six year contract with Miami Heat.  

Huge loss for Cavs considering that they've now have lost their most valuable player. 

The question is now, who will be NBA champs 2011, Heat or Lakers? 

LeBron, Dwayne and Bosh with their new jerseys

what's up Umeå?

Shiet, have never been so bored in my life...
ok, not too bored but shiet, I wonder whatr has happened to umeå
this past year. Nothing, that's what's happened, all the energy in this town has been
sucked dry and all the fun people has gone with it. I want something
amazing to happen to this town...seriously considering moving
cause it's so damn boring here, Gosh!

onsdag, juli 07, 2010

I hate Scar...

Miserable bastard, you're never gonna be King!
R,I.P Mufasa 

The clip is from http://absolutvanilla.blogg.se  


wish I was in Stockholm atm...
tomorrow NAS and DAMIAN are gonna preform at grönalund and I'm stuck here in shitty Umeå..
life's not fair... 

söndag, juli 04, 2010

up saw liz!!

Sweet day yesterday, didn't do much but hey :)
Watched the Germany - Argentina game and...Germany was playing amazingly! 4-0...I was expecting Argentina to play sooo much better but it just proves that only cuz they have the "golden child" aka Messi, doesn't make them the best, like everybody was thinking...

Anywhoos, ate dinner together with Shani, Jenny and Binta which was pretty nice, lasagn eand greek salad + desert; Strawberries+ Ice cream and chocolate. Fat, we love it at the least haha ;D Went out for a walk, sat in a swing and alost threw up...came home and i almost passed out..that was pretty much my day :D

Today imma do the laundry, not looking forward to it but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...
realized that is was a long time since i had one of these...

Track of the day: Stromae – Up Saw Liz - Remix

fredag, juli 02, 2010

Dear steph...

Ok, where do I begin?
Hm....well woke up extremely late today, prolly cuz I went to bed at 10 am YEY! 
Watched Dear John together with Binta, Shani and Jenny, pretty ok i guess. Tomorrow we're gonna watch Eclipse, gotta see if it is as good as errbody been sayin it is...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAH goin bananaz....missin you..

Talked to my wifeey today, perty sweet. She was having fun in Stockholm I guess (= 
I'm out...randomness random mess..

torsdag, juli 01, 2010

so far so good but....missed

Hey, today was a good day! 
My dear Pontus & Nicklas turned 17 so happy birthdays to them for the last time. Can't believe how time just passes by, yesterday we were those shitty kids who made life a living hell and today their freakin married, lolz! ;) 

Pontus & Nicklas

A year ago to the day! :) 

Both this and the past week has been movie weeks...can't remember the last time I watched these many movies :) 
  • hauting in conneticut
  • avatar
  • love and basketball
  • sixth man
  • madea goes to jail
  • why did I get married
  • new moon
Imma keep it goin...and on friday Eclipse. Don't think im a twilight fan now but we were bored so we figured we might as well watch the others considering the fact that we’ve already watched the others. 
I gotta start with my extended essay and oh, CALL NEIL höhö.
Right now i'm kinda stuck cuz i'm not quite sure what to write about...
  • Self-hatred among black people in the entertainment industry - most of the celebrities that are African American somehow “magically” change their skin tone after they become famous. What are the consequences?
  • What is the message that James Cameron is trying to give us with his movie, Avatar – the war between the two different species in the movie and the characters obsession with taking over VS the wars here on earth and our constant need to be superior.
  • Rasism in death row - how is rasism portrayed in the prisons in america