library for now....ain't got nuffin to do so just gonna sit here and wait for tripple A and Waltassault to end their classes....about 1 or 2 hours to go!! Meanwhile, my stomach is making funny sounds for no reason and I'm about to fall asleep. Life's great....kinda lookin forward to this week-end tho
NBA all star game, today's the rookie vs sophomore, don't think im gonna see it tho. Just like the fact that it's THE all star week-end and not freakin' Valentines day. But tonight's gonna be a good night tho, gonna watch Big Robs game, starts at 6:30 pm....aaaah so looking forward to it, hope there's gonna be a lot of people there!
Anywhoos, gotta go....
Track of the day: Snoop Dogg – Cali Iz Active been a really long time since i'd heard this song.
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