The day started with my brother and I doing all the laundry befor
e mom woke up, which made her very happy. After doing the laundry, I went to bed....at around 10 am. About two hours later my mom left to go to her work and my brother was on his way to tärnaby, such a random place to spend his new years.
Anywhoos, I fell asleep on the couch and woke up by a text, WALT sayin that he wanted to do something so.....he picked me up in the car and we went to town. Well in town we met like half the world at Mickey d's (Half the world meaning: Shanie, Jenny, Betiel, Arsema, Fortuna, Sanna, Semhar, Yohanna, Henke, Roble & Andre). After a while everybody left except me, Walt, Jenny and Betiel which led to a whole lot of pictures.
Just one of the pics...Walt & Betiel
Happy Walt at Mickey D's
Walt and I went and rented a movie and Shanie met us later. We got I am legend and oh we bought or should I say Walt bought 1 kg of candy... Next stopp, Walts place. The movie was ok but it could have been soooo much better. We spent the rest of the night watchin NBA clips, AMAZING....Larry Bird, ok :) Pics commin soon...
Gotta go, pees, löve änd önderständing/stepher