Had maths, didn't do much...I know I should be preparing for mocks right now but I just can't...imma do that after ballin' practice, lolz. Anywhooz...got my "absence paper" today and believe me it was waaaaaay better than I thought..9%, not as bad as I thought. Gotta keep it that way...not hard considering how much school I've already missed....19/163 classes <3<3>

This one to be exact...
After school, Walter and I went to town. Was supposed to find a hat for my mom but duh...don't know what color she want but I guess she doesn't want a bright pink one...
Oh yeah...guess what my brother did...He called me on my cell to tell me that he bought a tv MADNESS!! Anywhoooz...gotta go, practice soon..
Pees, löve änd önderstäääänding/Stepher
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