Ah yeah!
Only one mock test left, not counting french and it feeeeeeeeel GREAT!
Not gonna talk about how the math test went, just praying for a passing grade :)
Anyways after the test Victoria and I went to town and grabbed some food at...oh yeah Mickey D's, you know how we do...It was all good. We sat and talked about the goodness in life. Walter came and met us after a while, so did Toby. After a while of doing nothing but sitting down we took a walk to Barista and grabbed some coffee and left for the bus.
After Victoria and Toby left, me and Walt went and checked out some shoes, and believe me...there were lots of 'em. I found like 3 pairs that I want, same goes for Walt. I really hope I get 'em :) And incase you didn't know it, YES IMMA SHOE-AHOLIC...anywhoos, gonna go to Hanna in about 15 mins, were gonna see if we can ball in the gymhall. Wish us luck ;)
Track of the day: Michael Jackson - Man in the mirror
Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher
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