First of, school sucked..wore a huge red shirt for Haiti incase you've seen the group on FB (Wear red for Haiti). Walter did the same thing ofc and wore his red hoodie :)
Anywhoos, the day went on and it was extremely boooooring until swedish class, got a little bit interesting when I got my Mocks results back, not good. After swedish class, Walt went home and got the car....picked me up, picked Toby up too and then we took a trip to the Candyhouse (Godishuset) since they finally got our type of candy!!! SKITTLES AND REESE'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO FUNCTION RIGHT!

Anywaaays after buying our candy, we spent about 10 min in the car (The time it took for the guys to eat all their candy),then we headed to town. The plan was to find something for Toby to eat since he had to be back in school at 6pm but naaaaah...we went to stadium instead and checked out some random stuff + Jackets at a wilderness store (?) At quarter to six we remembered the reason why we went to town in the first place but then it was toooo late, lolz. We went to draggen, spent like 10 min in Toby's math class, went bored, explored the school, got lost, met Toby, got to know some new people and then took the car back to Walt's place...where Toby and I played NBA on PS3 haha. Took the car back to town, Toby ate some food and then we passed by Mimer before Toby had to go to his practice.
Dunno what happened after that but somehow Walt and I ended up at my place hahahahahha!! This is actually quite funny if you know the story but Walt, I HOPE UR HAPPY NOW :P Shanie dropped by and we took a trip to Subwaaaay, didn't eat the sub tho, prolly do that tomorrow...now I gotta sleep madly tired sooooo...
Pees löve änd önderständing/Stepher
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