I hate school and everything that goes along with it...
Todat I came to school, a bit late since I almost didn't sleep at all last night, hm :/
Dunno why I was up all night, didn't feel so good yesterday tho, or this morning..
Anywhoos, came to school, had french class which sucked,BIG TIME. After french I had math...didn't understand anything at all. Crappy lunch, "boiled pancakes"...or that is what they look and taste like so Walt and I decided to skip lunch. Bought a sandwich instead and a risifrutti, sooooo much better.
For some dumb reason, all of us forgot that our school had "open house"...WE HAD TO STAY IN SCHOOL UNTIL 8:30 PM, FML! The worst thing was prolly the fact that we had to "play games" or have like a discussion. The whole point of the night was to show the ninth graders that were visiting our school, how a normal class looks like...believe me when I say, our classes' looks nuffin like the shiet we showed today. We never get to do stuff like that, and oh....everybody in the classroom wasn't from the same class, the PIB's and the IB1's were in one huge group and they made it look like we all went to the same class. And oh, let's not forget the "SMILE EVERYONE"....it's all just a bunch of bullshit. If the IB was really that fun, a lot more people would choose to actually go there and every single class would be fun, unlike the classes we have today. Ok..I'm not gonna sit here and bitch about how shitty the IB actually is, but somebody's gotta tell the truth before the lure you to choose that damn program.
Anyways, gotta go to bed...
Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher
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