torsdag, april 29, 2010

Up, up & away...

Sittin' at home, doing som enviro...
tomorrow is the last day of MOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally over, feels awesome, never thought it would happen..hahaha!

Sunday we'll be heading off to Finland, have no idea what we're gonna do there but hey, no school for 2 days so :) I actually don't wanna go but's Finland over homework.

French mocks was pretty ok today, at least the second part, chose the first question.
We had to write a letter to an artist and convince them to come to our benefit concert, I was pretty much laughing the whole time 'cause I felt so ridiculous. I chose to write a letter to K'naan and Walter chose Lupe Fiasco...why am I not surprised haha! ;) just awesome, now imma hit the books some more and then sleeeeeeep! :)

Track of the day: Kid Cudi – Up Up & Away


I fell asleep....
I fell asleep when I was supposed to study, AGAIN!
I just love to sleep, there's nothing better than sleeping,
I fell asleep so fast that I don't even have and idea what time it was. But then......

THEN I had to WAKE UP from my beautiful, wonderful sleep to STUDY FOR MY FRENCH MOCKS, and when I woke up, a tiny tiny monster inside of me woke up too, and it's MAD 'cause  IT HATES now I'm just...... :(

onsdag, april 28, 2010

Sleeeeeeeep mooooooode!

Time to hit the sack...been watchin' the game for a while...would like to finish it but school tomorrow...
SUCKS!! Lakers are playing (We better win this one, 2-2 for real, come on!)  and so are the Cavs but the games don't air 'til 2:am/ 4:30:am...wish they showed them earlier but what can I do...League pass next hahaha?
Why do I want Celtics to win?


Shower nu sen blire plugg and hopefully Heat - Celtics game....höhö!

tisdag, april 27, 2010

From practice to studying....

So daaaaaaamn random! 

Made it home safe!
Practice was ok I guess, goofing around a lot but still got some shiet down...and my foot is hurting too..aaaaaaaaaah :/ 
Gotta start reading business for tomorrow, can't this week be over soon shiet! 
The only positive thing about tomorrow is that I get off at 11, yesh!!!


How is it even possible, 2-2? :O  come on guys..

My day....

Woke up this morning and went to school....did my swedish mocks and was stressed as heeeey.
Shiet...I had no Idea what I was supposed to do so I just sat down and wrote some stuff together.
Wasn't really planning on staying for that long...though, hey I'll go in, write down a page or two and then leave. Ended up writing 7 pages on the second part, don't know how that went but I'm not about to jinx myself hahah!

went to town with Hiba, she took her bus and I ended up chillin with Shanie and Alice, pretty sweet actually. Took the bus home, ate a sandwich and then I went to my practice. Felt so good to be back, even though it didn't go that good today...
Practiced on shooting for a while and all I can say is *CLUTCH* hahaah, don't you just love that sound? ;)

Came home from practice and since then I've been studying for tomorrow. I'm telling you, the IB is gonna be the end of me!! The worst thing is that we have Enviro mocks tomorrow and I don't even have the books 'cause SOMEBODY told med that we didn't have enviro tomorrow so all I hope for right now is that somehow tomorrow, i'll find some time to study for the damn thing.

And ooooh...every minute I was not studying, I was pretty much drooling over this guy, gnr haha

Anywhoooooos...SLEEP MODE!!!!

Track of the day: Bob – Nothin' On You [feat. Bruno Mars]

Marry me?  höhö!!!

söndag, april 25, 2010

I give up...

tried to study now and I'm not getting anywhere so....

Let's get it started?

So daaaamn tired of studying....been doin it all day :/
Too much shit left to do before tomorrow....gotta figure our how i'm supposed to pass the swedish mocks hahahaha! 10 tests, 1 week, I just love schoool!!

And oh, let's not forget the fact that I'm missing the trip to Stockholm only cuz of school, SHIIIIET!
The worst thing about this is that we we're allowed to go but.....they cancelled our tickets, but what to do?
(never really realized how huge this actually was)

Anywhoooos...over to the next thing
I WANNA GO SHOPPIN, but that's impossible for now cuz i'm BROKE! I somehow managed to lend 863kr to my friends and fam this month, don't know how that's even possible but.... Hope I get them back soon, guys? ;) I'm ooooout...gotta hit the books.

Gang Starr – What I'm Here 4

lördag, april 24, 2010

fredag, april 23, 2010

torsdag, april 22, 2010


Tagga resan till GBG...
imma play no matter what!!! Skrev just en lista till Binta om vad som gäller höhö inte riktigt hur det gick till men ja har typ lyckats skada mig på alla möjliga sätt.

Mina knän är bajs, baksida låret + sätesmuskeln (the fancy word for ass) är knaaaws, mina armbågar är bajs och vi åker till Gbg om typ 3 veckor haha.
VOLTAREN T lager typ och sen knäskydd <3 ska ta och ringa upp sjukgymnasten igen och höra vad dom har att säga. Gotta get better soon...har inte tränat på typ 1½ vecka, insanity!


They should know better....but GNR!!!!!!

Skadeglädje är den bästa glädjen....She know what I mean...

tisdag, april 20, 2010


Hey ladies and gentlemen especially ;) Feeeeel me! Haha anyHOE jag och steph hamnade just i samma grupp (yikes!)Vi ska förbereda inför våra mocks prov....yall need to pray to the heavens up above that we pass seriöst!! Får FEEEDDtTtTt ångest bara jag nämner de. juste ska lägga grov fjortizz-mode nu och säga; LÄS MIN BLOGG!! !!! den e tråkig men för fet för den e ju min? hahaha GNR =  got a nigga rolling!  The black version of LOL get with it or get lost haha aja ska sluta va nördig, laterz!!!

måndag, april 19, 2010

Ingen dator = plugg

Sitter hemma och försöker få någonting gjort tills imorgon...måste börja få i ordning saker
och ting innan det blir dags för mocks! Är bara galet glad över att vi inte kommer göra matten
förrän om 3 veckor, slipper oroa mig för den ett tag iaf höhö :)

Efter skolan vblev det en liten tripp ner till stan med Nicklas, träffade även dom anta killarna. Slappa lite, snacka och käka mat sen drog vi hem, alltid kul med dom :)
idag ba en relativt skön dag bortsett från att mitt en är bajs... Ska ta och ringa till sjukgymnasterna imorn så att ja kan börja träna lite lätt, blev ju bara lite skott-träning idag. Rätt skönt det med...

torsdag, april 15, 2010



 Hittade favoriterna i högen höhö



good job girls!!

Var och såg tjejerna spela, kunde inte vara med själv eftersom ja är sjuk :( 
Galet tråkigt att sitta på bänken bara, blev äckligt hypad och taggad på att vara med
men dom klarade sig utmärkt ändå. De blev en underbar V

102-25, helt underbart med tanke på att tjejerna förlorade med 1 poäng sist dom körde. 
MATCHENS LIRARE helt klart BINTA DRAMMEH!! 42 poäng, insane! äre bara att peppa GBG tjejer, kommer bli underbart! 

onsdag, april 14, 2010

bojkar, bojkar...

Einte pra for fi tyker åm :)


Somehow I manage to get sick.TODAY of all days!
GAME-DAY!!! :( Well....all I can do is try to get some more math done
read a little for swedish class and maybe, just maybe head up and support the girls.
Good luck today ladies :) höhö

torsdag, april 08, 2010


Bloggtorka....for now, yes.. (: Sry!

måndag, april 05, 2010

Taking the stage, förklaring! :) måste skriva in länken så att även ni förstår vad Holly gör hahaha!

Det enda rätta!! Binta förstod exakt vad jag menade...hahaha Säsong 2 är mad crazy! 

here comes the sun....

Was standing in my room and the sun was shining...
Hiba was here today, AWESOME, talked for a while and then we went to the store....
bought some stuff for dinner, ate and chilled some more. 
Walked to the bus which she somehow had to run to haha! 
Came home....
My team lost, SWEET!  
Sooo looking forward to tomorrow, gonna go to town early with Jenny,  
basketball practice in the afternoon, hopefully it's gonna be a good one! 
Feels like years since I had practice so I'm kinda excited!!!! 
Not that much time left before we leave for gothenburg...SAVE SOME MONEY. 

Im out!!

söndag, april 04, 2010

feeling spontaneous, time for mischief!!

Came home a little while ago from Bintas,  it was a pretty sweet night :) 
Took a trip to town, got some food, met people and went back to the hood again haha! 

Starting to get pretty bored of this vacation already, and it's been for like 3 - 4 days, ain't got nuffin to do. Maybe I'm overexaggerating right now only cuz I'm bored. There's gonna be lots of stuff to do, I hope. PLAY BALL, haven't done that in a while....
I'm kinda feeling spontaneous right now, wanna take a random trip to Stockholm or something just 'cause...maybe I might be able to do it, anybody down? haha 

Here are some things to look forward to!!!

  • Minor trip to Stockholm (?) 29th April  1st May
  • Trip with the class to Finland, prolly gonna be up to no good!  2nd - 4th May
  • GOTHENBURG!!!! 10th -17th may!! 
And somewhere in between all these trips, I'm gonna have Mocks...Good Luck to me! ;) 

I'm out!! 

torsdag, april 01, 2010


HAHAHAHA jaaaaa....har äntiligen sett Twilight! 
Allt ja har att säga är...ja fattar inte den där "Edward Cullen" hysterin, that dude was freakin FFUGLY...
see, he even created a new word for ugliness, why would somebody want a boyfriend that sparkle in the sunlight? The movie in itself wasn't too bad, more or less annoying...Anywhoos...gonna watch the second movie tomorrow I guess. Ugly people, nice bodies, yum! :)