söndag, januari 31, 2010

Smile, when he leaves you.
 Smile, 'cause girl he needs you...

I smile all the time 'cause...
it's true

life will smile for you

If I could, I would...

I could say so much right now but I'm not...
I'm just gonna leave everything as it is
this is not my battle to fight
it's yours
I really hope, deep down in my heart that you make the right choice..
Like I said, there is so much I could say
but if I do, everything's just gonna get fucked up
nobody's gonna understand
and everything will be exactly as it is right now...
I could say so much right now
but I refuse to say anything
only because..
you know why....

lördag, januari 30, 2010

fredag, januari 29, 2010

Can I?

I just love the details!!

I've been checkin this bomber jacket out ever since I first saw it....
Now I'm about to go CRAZE!!

torsdag, januari 28, 2010

Getting extremely tired of this...same shit over and over again...

onsdag, januari 27, 2010

life's not fair...

Shiiiiiet, so damn tired right now. Have to go take a shower and then do some homework...the only thing I'm actually looking forward to is...starting 12 tomorrow. Basketball practice was pretty okay, had a mini tournament going on. All though it's fun to play I'd be so much happier if we spent the time learning new games and stuff but hey, that's just me!

We talked about Gothenburg, I'm soooo looking forward to that trip.

Track of the day: Pharrell- Angel

Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher


Ok....seriously, I gotta start paying attention to school and stuff, I know...but believe me, it's not easy. Try to go to a program that you hate and pay attention to everything even though half of the stuff they say is nothing that you're gonna need in the future. I mean, what's the point of learning something that your not gonna use?! ENVIRO, WTF, miljökunskap?! Does it look like I'm gonna do anything that has to do with the environment in the future...we're still learning about the photosynthesis "cause we didn't know it already" DUH! I sooooo wanna drop the whole Impossible bullshit and switch school and program...gotta talk to the study and vocational guidance and see what she says. All I can do right now is....PRAY!

Pees, löve änd önderstääänding/Stepher

tisdag, januari 26, 2010

All I need right now...

...Gotta gotta gotta....don't know why though, but still...
So since you want to be with me
You’ll have to follow through
With every word you say
And I, 
all I really want is you
You to stick around
I’ll see you everyday
But you have to follow through
You have to follow through...

Yes we shall...

I hate school and everything that goes along with it...
Todat I came to school, a bit late since I almost didn't sleep at all last night, hm :/
Dunno why I was up all night, didn't feel so good yesterday tho, or this morning..
Anywhoos, came to school, had french class which sucked,BIG TIME. After french I had math...didn't understand anything at all. Crappy lunch, "boiled pancakes"...or that is what they look and taste like so Walt and I decided to skip lunch. Bought a sandwich instead and a risifrutti, sooooo much better.

For some dumb reason, all of us forgot that our school had "open house"...WE HAD TO STAY IN SCHOOL UNTIL 8:30 PM, FML! The worst thing was prolly the fact that we had to "play games" or have like a discussion. The whole point of the night was to show the ninth graders that were visiting our school, how a normal class looks like...believe me when I say, our classes' looks nuffin like the shiet we showed today. We never get to do stuff like that, and oh....everybody in the classroom wasn't from the same class, the PIB's and the IB1's were in one huge group and they made it look like we all went to the same class. And oh, let's not forget the "SMILE EVERYONE"....it's all just a bunch of bullshit. If the IB was really that fun, a lot more people would choose to actually go there and every single class would be fun, unlike the classes we have today. Ok..I'm not gonna sit here and bitch about how shitty the IB actually is, but somebody's gotta tell the truth before the lure you to choose that damn program.

Anyways, gotta go to bed...
Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

söndag, januari 24, 2010

Weird randomness...

Pretty sweet night!
Pontus dropped by, so did Rickard, Jenny & Shanie. Rickard went home before the girls got here though...
Anywhoos, got a call from A FRIEND: There's a party at M-Hem...you should come!! Even though it was pretty late, 10ish, it was nice to feel that somebody wanted us to come :) once again...it was around 10 pm so what did we do....we took the first bus over there!! AWESOME DECISION!
When we got there, everybody was having their time of their lives, it was just right. Since we came there pretty late, we pretty much just hung out for a while and then we started to plan our trip home which was not as easy as it seemed. Well...it all worked out in the end, OUR FRIENDS joined us to town with the bus. A fun bus ride, special one. Well in town, we went to Mickey D's, grabbed a couple of burgers, talked a bit and then headed home.

Thanks everybody who joined (Pontus, Nicklas, Shanie, Jenny& Haddis) to town for an awesome night! :)

Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

lördag, januari 23, 2010

Chillin dillin

Heerrrrooooo, chillin dillin in stephers buildin!!! Ponthastic here!!!!

Steff är en homosexuell jävel som gillar omogenhet.. hon är sur.. jag förstör tydligen eftersom att jag skriver på svenska.. HOn har inte tagit ut kakan, som är olåst inne i ugnen, ngt påhitt.. steff gillar kakorträd fakoss.. nu blebv hon ännu mer sur .. :O shanies lyssnade dessutom på mitt råd!:P , täntke bara säga att steff har gett över bloggen till mig ... så hädanefter så kmr det vara ponntas som skriver!... Alla som inte kommenterar kmr steff att slå.. Steff hatar folk som hatar pontus.. My life is your enterainment ;) ... Jag antar att ni förmodligen har fattat att jag gillar att skriva punkter... steff är jävligt hype iaf.. rickard står och typ chillar.. nu loggade steffs bästis in på msn dessutom.. hon hotar dessutom att polisanmäla mig...


Nicklas & Pontus

This is what I call LOVE!!!
I freakin' love you guys even tho we
act really messed up sometimes...
it's all love!!

Lean on me...

Today was a strange day.....indeed!

Went to school late, didn't really feel like goin to school, don't know why. Prolly 'cause I hate the IB and my class and everything that has to do with my school, not sure...just guessing...
Our school had a fashion show and my dear friend William owned the catwalk, future model? ;P
Anywhoos, went to town, met a bunch of people, headed to Walt together with Pontus were we played NBA 2k7, 80's east VS 80´s West, just love it!

  • Kareem Abdul Jabbar
  • Hakeem Olajuwon
  • Magic Johnson
  • Larry Bird
Took the car to town were we met Marie, really missed her!! Drove around a while and then we went home, only to meet each other an hour later. We took the bus to Ersboda to Johnny's Bday parteeeey! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHNNY!!! Was a pretty okay night...now I'm gonna spend the rest of the night with my mom watching Hope for Haiti, DONATE PEOPLE DONATE!!

Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

Life is good but life is complicated....

I knew this day was going to come, eventually, I just didn't know how soon....
Even though we try to avoid situations like these, they always come back.
It's like they are haunting you, making sure that you are aware of them....impossible to miss
And the worse thing is...you REALLY want to avoid them in every possible way
I guess all we can do is accept them...

fredag, januari 22, 2010

...When I get older
 I will be stronger 
They'll call me 
freedom, just
 like a wavin' flag...

My life is yeah...my life

I want to take my time to apologize to everybody for everything...
don't really know what I'm sayin right now but yeah.

Anywhoos, just watched a video called A week in Haiti and man, shiet's tuff. Hat's off to all the volunteer workers over there right now. You guys make me proud, keep up the good work over there. You're doing everything that I wish I could do, be a doctor and help the people in need. Believe me, if I could be in Haiti right now and help the people together with the Doctors without borders, ah man....

The situation over there is terrible and that's why people, we have to do everything we possibly can to help our people in need. After all, we are only one...

Click to help...

onsdag, januari 20, 2010

We are what.......


Practice was awesome, which went AWESOME!! We had a little tournament going on and my team (Alex, Maja, Shanie, Johanna & Naomi) won pretty much almost all games except the 2 last ones I think. We we're ballin, goin crazy...SUPERMAN 'n' Shiet haha!! Got me thinkin' of Dwight Howard's Superman Dunk....INSANE :)

Anywhoos, gotta eat somethin' and do some homework, take a shower whatever...
Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

tisdag, januari 19, 2010

late nights & crazy weeks...

Wonderful day!!!! Big thanks to WALT and TOBY haha ;P

First of, school sucked..wore a huge red shirt for Haiti incase you've seen the group on FB (Wear red for Haiti). Walter did the same thing ofc and wore his red hoodie :)

Anywhoos, the day went on and it was extremely boooooring until swedish class, got a little bit interesting when I got my Mocks results back, not good. After swedish class, Walt went home and got the car....picked me up, picked Toby up too and then we took a trip to the Candyhouse (Godishuset) since they finally got our type of candy!!! SKITTLES AND REESE'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO FUNCTION RIGHT!
Anywaaays after buying our candy, we spent about 10 min in the car (The time it took for the guys to eat all their candy),then we headed to town. The plan was to find something for Toby to eat since he had to be back in school at 6pm but naaaaah...we went to stadium instead and checked out some random stuff + Jackets at a wilderness store (?) At quarter to six we remembered the reason why we went to town in the first place but then it was toooo late, lolz. We went to draggen, spent like 10 min in Toby's math class, went bored, explored the school, got lost, met Toby, got to know some new people and then took the car back to Walt's place...where Toby and I played NBA on PS3 haha. Took the car back to town, Toby ate some food and then we passed by Mimer before Toby had to go to his practice.

Dunno what happened after that but somehow Walt and I ended up at my place hahahahahha!! This is actually quite funny if you know the story but Walt, I HOPE UR HAPPY NOW :P Shanie dropped by and we took a trip to Subwaaaay, didn't eat the sub tho, prolly do that tomorrow...now I gotta sleep madly tired sooooo...
Pees löve änd önderständing/Stepher



söndag, januari 17, 2010

Before it's too late

I just want to say that whenever you get a chance PLEASE help the victims in Haiti, donate some money. Even though you don't have that much money, a little penny can make a huge difference in someone else's life, so once again, PLEASE DO THIS :)

Click on Help Haiti Now or on The red cross organisation/Haiti to make your donation! :)

messed up...

Just came home from a fucked up night...
The night began with me and the girls (Jenny, Binta, Shanie, Hanna) took a trip to town to rent a movie. Well in town, we met Johanna and then we walked to Megazone 'cause Jenny wanted to play freakin arcade games lolz. I fell asleep in on a chair haha!! Anywhooz after playing games, we got bored and decided to go to Mickey d's where I oooh, ate a cheeseburger, which makes it nr 18!
Anywaaays, well att Mickey D's we met Dave, Matti, Roble, Toby and a bunch of other people. They left, Walt and Abdul came and somehow we ended up at Ersboda, walked around for about an hour looking for the place a.k.a the party but since DAVE really sucks at giving directions (blames it on the cab "they took"), we got there too late haha. BTW DAVE...UR GOING DOWN DUDE!!

Anywhoos, gonna watch some HIMYM soo...Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

lördag, januari 16, 2010

good job, good job haha

Just came home from basketball practice which went pretty ok I guess. Shooting practice more or less, really gotta work on my shots 'cause today, I couldn't shoot a single three :( HATE IT...gotts to get 'em threes...gotta be like Kobe! lolz. Tonight, ain't got nuffin planned really, gonna do something with the girls sooo :)
I'm out..Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

NEW!!! ♥


Oh child I forgot...

lalalal....I sooo forgot...
For some reason, the guys (minus Ammär and Henke) where extremely lazy yesterday so they figured that since Walts got t he car, they could get a ride. Sooooo....the car looked somehow like this on the way home


Just came home a while ago from a crazy but yet fun night. First of, started by me having no idea of what I wanted to do. It went from having no ideas to people suddenly suggesting tons of stuff, all good ones too ;) Anywhoos....started of by going ice skating with Pontus and a bunch of other people, soooooo fun!! Such a long time since I went ice-skating :) After the whole skating thing, I went home, packed my bag, then Walt came and picked me up.

We were on our way then we called Shanie and told 'em to join us, ofc they did and it was all pretty good. While waiting for Shanie, Jenny & Binta to get ready, Walt and I went cruisin...nah went to statoil and bought some candy, picked up the girls and left to Mariehem. Met a couple of familiar faces (Roble, Henke, Mattawass, Davie & Ammär) Played a little, talked a lot and did some messed up shiet indeed, lolz but it's all love :)

Btw....thank you very much HENKE, MATTAWASS & DAVIE for tickeling me.....imma getchu good

Gotta go sleep now, pretty much sleepin while I'm writing this haha soooo..
Pees, löve änd önderständing

fredag, januari 15, 2010

pretty sweet!

Wore my brand new kicks today....y'all still aint gonna see them. We're up on 17, 17 cheeseburgers which I contributed with 5...you know what that means? Walt, ur fat :]
School was good today, didn't do much but got a second chance to do the math which was a disaster so that felt good. Can prove to Pelle that I do know what I'm doing after all :) Anywhoos, didn't feel like going to enviro class since I don't feel like I'm learning anything anyways so I pretty much chilled with Walt. Lunch....ok? After lunch, Walt, tripple A, Nicko, I and Rasmus chilled for a while before we went to town.

Town was sick tho....first it was just me, tripple A and Rasmus, then we met Pontus, a few minutes later we met Odain and then FSG, then Matti, Ammar, Davie, Roble, Natasha, Nazanin, Adine and I think that was everybody.....SICK!!

Anywhoos, trying to figure out the plans for tonight...all I know is that I'm gonna hang out with Walt for sure haha other than that dunno, pretty much confused ;P
  • The girls wanna watch a movie
  • the boys wanna play
  • Ponthastic wanna go iceskating (which I might do in about 30 min anyway)
  • Hiba wants to go cruisin'
  • I don't know what I wanna do
Anywaaaays, pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher!

Yes....share the happiness.

Aaaaaah, got home from school feeling happy 'cause as I was sitting on the bus home, I was thinking of "how to tell my mom that she should give me cash so that I can go pick up my shoes" kinda thing....haha and what happens when I come home?
Well the first thing my mom says when I open the door: Stephanie, Do you wanna go do some grocery shoppin, you can pick up your shoes at the same time? :)

Best moment of the day, my mom is a mindreader!!!

Anywhoos, I picked up the shoes and believe me they were FIIIIINE but one minor problem....
they sent me the freakin wrong sizes on two of the pairs...and now they aint got the shoes :/ Imma have to call them tomorrow when I wake up 'cause this is a major problem and it's not even my fault so they better fix it!! haha gotta sleep sooo
pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

onsdag, januari 13, 2010

Can y'all say 14...

..and 14 it is even though Walt has eaten the most cheeseburgers.

Came home from basketball practise a little while ago. First practice this season and it was for 2 hours, pretty good. Had a little tournament going on, my team won one and lost the other by 1...we still played good :) Ain't gonna write too much, gotta hit the shower, figure out something to eat and then sleep...shitty tired sooo...pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

say cheese!!

Make that 12...Walt took the plane all the way to stockholm to buy a cheeseburger, don't you just love it?! :)

Anywhoos, stayed home from school today, was too tired...no lies, I was TOO TIRED.
woke up 7, took a shower and got dressed, then I remembered, i ain't got no cash on my cell and I can't pay on the bus and I really didn't feel like walking and oh..the place where you can buy buspasses wasn't open sooooo....don't judge me! Fell asleep again at 1ish, woke up again at 10 to 6 of a phonecall from Jenny asking me if I wanted to join them (Jenny, Shanie & Binta) to see the ladies play. Pretty much what I did today lol :) Looking forward to tomorrow tho...first practice of the year!!

Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

måndag, januari 11, 2010

furst day in schooool


Got to school at 10 to 8 this morning and somehow, before I'd even had walked through the damn door I was already fed up with the shiet.. :/ First class, swedish, pertti ok...we saw Popular music from Vittula such a weird random movie. Anywhoos, after that we had french, I hate FRENCH CLASS!! Then we had math with no Pelle soooo...no math haha. Went and ate lunch, then english class....it was pretty ok. After english class I met William and Nicko, funniest 2 hours of the day haha stupid guys but I love 'em a lot.

Anywhoos, after school we went to town, Mickey D's actually. That's when Walter figured outthat we should keep track on how many cheesburgers we've eatin since the year started...
10 cheese burgers in 11 days, we gwan keep it up man!

Track of the day: LMFAO - Shots

A little random info...My shoes has arrived and all I can say is...
Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

söndag, januari 10, 2010

2 months to go...

lalalala, good day just like every other day.
Cooked dinner, taco pie for some reason...a really good one once I got a chance to taste it :)
Jenny dropped by and we went to town and grabbed some Coffee or Chai latte in her case. Magda, Alice and Matilda joined us and so did Walt after a while. We sat there, checked out the pictures from So Fly's sweet 18, which was awesome btw :) Laughed a little, talked and then we moved on to Mickey d's...I think I'm addicted to freakin cheeseburgers, lolz. We met a bunch of people at Mickey d's, Odain, Feliz and a dude names Izak(?) :) After a while, Walt got tired of us and left home...me and Jenny went to max and later on we met Pontus, Roble, Davie, tripple A and a bunch of other guys. Fun night :)

Anywhoos....now I'm gonna explain the title of this post
See, I pretty much figured that it's about two months and a couple of dayz left 'til my 18th burfday =) =) And.......Naz and I are planing a bunch of stuff, just hope that errthaaaang goes according to plan cuz otherwise imma be real sad, lolz.

Track of the day: Salt-n-Pepa - Push it

Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

lördag, januari 09, 2010


Happy birthday So-fly!! Hope it's a good one and thank you....
Walter, Natalie, Sofi m.m for such a lovely night :)

fredag, januari 08, 2010

R.I.P David...

torsdag, januari 07, 2010

I might just go insane....

Sitting at home, a little bored. Woke up pretty early but then I don't know, just chilled a bit...I think I fell asleep again weird enough :) At around 6, Jenny and I went to centrum in the freakin cold, -21 degrees outside. I think we're living in the north pole, I think I saw a polar bear on the streets, lolz! Anywhooos, got my shoes today and I saw that all of my other shoes are on their way home yey, now I've got 5 pairs of sneakers, shiet makes me happy!! :D Gonna use 'em well.
I'm soooooooo looking forward to our gothenburg trip. Our team are gonna go there this year again, shiet's gonna be so much fun, even better than last year. I'm sooooo freakin excited, aaaah!! We're takin it home this year gurls! :)


Shiet just hit me....I really looooove basket ball, lookin' forward to gothenburg with the girls!!!

Aaaaah, I know I haven't been that active when it come to bloggin, but that prolly just cause I don't have anything interesting to blog about. These past few days of the damn vacation, I've been feelin bad. Still I refuse to stay home, bad choice since it's the coldest it's been here in umeå for at least 7 years. Freakin woke up today, was thinking of going do some grocery shoppin' so that I could eat somethin somethin for dinner tonight but nooooo, it was f*cking -17 degrees outside! :O

Anywhoos, stayed at home and waited for my mom to come home, hoping that she'd done some grocery shoppin' on her way home from work but nah. We (my mom and I) cooked somethin something instead usin the shiezz we found at home, but never had a chance to eat it 'cause before the food was done I'd left the building lolz. Nah but me and the gurls aka Jenny, Binta and Shanie, went to Gammlia to watch the ladies play. They lost sad enough but maybe next time the'll win (?). After the game we were freakin considering to walk in the damn cold....What were we thinking of, SHIET!!

Haha, anywhoos, gotta go...Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

onsdag, januari 06, 2010


never laughed sooooo hard hahahaha

Would post a video but the damn thing refuses to work...sooo...

Congratz Susy!!

Happy Birthday Susy, I hope It's a really good one and I'll see you when school starts, love you!!

lördag, januari 02, 2010

New years!!

Oh I just remembered, I forgot to write about my new year.
It's was a pretty good night which started at Mihrets place and ended in town with a bunch of awesome people. My sisters Shanie and Jenny, Arsema, Mihret, Walt, Victor and a bunch of other people. Good night!!
Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

Walt & Victor

Chip 'n' Dale
Mihret & Shanie
Walt & I
Victor & Shanie
Walt & Victor
William & I
A bunch of people :)
( Shanie, Hanna, Tannaz, Jenny with her back turned,
Binta, Walt, Arsema, Betiel, Johanna and I)
Henke posin' for the camera, lolz! André & Ammar
Joni, Shanie, Johanna, Henke, Binta and randomness..
Joni & Pontus
Joni, Henke, André & David.


Hey errbody!!
It's 7:40 am and I'm still awake, like always. Jenny, Shanie and Binta are at my place. We've een chillin, played skip-bo, listened to music and just chilled with some snacks, it's all good. In a while we're prolly gonna sleep, not that we're gonna get much sleep but hey, better with a little than nuffin at all, ya dig? ;) Anywhoos....heading to town in 4 hours time, just hope I'm not gonna fall asleep in the stores. Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher