onsdag, januari 13, 2010

say cheese!!

Make that 12...Walt took the plane all the way to stockholm to buy a cheeseburger, don't you just love it?! :)

Anywhoos, stayed home from school today, was too tired...no lies, I was TOO TIRED.
woke up 7, took a shower and got dressed, then I remembered, i ain't got no cash on my cell and I can't pay on the bus and I really didn't feel like walking and oh..the place where you can buy buspasses wasn't open sooooo....don't judge me! Fell asleep again at 1ish, woke up again at 10 to 6 of a phonecall from Jenny asking me if I wanted to join them (Jenny, Shanie & Binta) to see the ladies play. Pretty much what I did today lol :) Looking forward to tomorrow tho...first practice of the year!!

Pees, löve änd önderständing/Stepher

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